

moderat - ii
Joel Frieders | July 30, 2013

Go down and hit play on "Bad Kingdom".

Back with another one of those block rockin' beats?


What the Fuck sort of world did I just walk into?


It's songs like these that attach me to bands, where they can drop an entirely shitty album with the exception the one song, and I would still pay to see them in concert. Fortunately I don't have to rely on a single track to have more than one reason to love the fucking fuck out of a band when it comes to Moderat.

Now, regardless of who they are individually (PR companies are trying to get me to read words about who is doing what with who, and all I wanna know is DOES THIS SHIKIBBLE ROCKCOCK? I don't care who, just give me the mmmmmhmmmmmm), this album is so comfortably hypnotizing it could be a left handed methodist and a half a sleeve of pringles and I'd still bump the fucker.

I'm a sucker for drums, and since being turned on to the internal possibilities of what house music can make me groove the fuck out to, I can't help but love a well polished beat that progresses beyond a mere boom bap boom. Moderat progress so much farther beyond beautifully incessant rhythm and cascading percussion and production, there will be moments where you're unsure of where you were because you aren't where you are when you wondered where you were. And now that where you are isn't where you were but is now where you are, where you are is pretty fucking okay brofingers.

It's insane to realize that the song "Versions" is only five minutes long, but because of how far down the wabbit ho you get sucked in once it gets going, you have no idea that it's only been two or three minutes since the track started and you still get another two to two and half minutes to soak. Hell, the first time I heard "Versions" I was complete soup. My head's all thrown over my right shoulder and I feel like I'm dancing with my throat.

I can count those incidents where you're completely outside of yourself on one penis and this is one of them.

When "Milk" gets moving, with the additions and subtractions of various percussive elements and effects, you're either humping a speaker that isn't there, or you're imagining yourself humping said speaker. Blissful might sound too hippie, but holy free-promotional-metric-ruler-making-the-perfect-backscratcher this is as close to blissful as I've been without breaking the law in a decade.

The synths on "Therapy" are so deliciously and intensely captivating, the second you realize you're raising your arms in a tribal display of power, those synths are already in the back seat allowing the drums to once again drive.

I can't fucking get over how distracting Moderat's new album has been over the last two weeks. I haven't had time to write or really focus on anything, but instead, I realize I'm in the middle of a transitional point in my life, and yes, I might not get to write as much as I used to, but at fucking least I have something like Moderat's new new to completely erase my memory of never having shared this with you.

The vocals on II are perfect albeit few and far between, but for a beat freak who just wants a rhythm to help him forget he can't fix everything, Moderat is everything I needed without knowing I needed to need not knowing I needed something to knead me into not knowing I didn't need it.