I have always said to myself around Christmas time: "I WANT ALL THE DRUMS".
Aaaaaaaaaaaand thanks to Jupiter Lion, I have all of thems now.
Holy fucking balls is this album all about dat drums.
Jupiter Lion have already been deemed kings of the category I made for them in my dream journal. What's their category you ask bro? Jupiter Lion are the quintessential definition of "I can't keep my hands and feets from tapping and stomping and stomping and tapping and why are my teeth clenched and why can't I help the fact that I feel like I'm constantly falling".
Brighter follows suit with Jupiter Lion's previous release Silver Mouth in that they're not something you listen to when you're trying to unplug. Jupiter Lion is what you put on when you're about to go head on into your own battles. Armed with nothing but a fucking beat, Jupiter Lion carve out the most ridiculous bottom-heavy table beaters and while some post rock makes you stare off into space, Brighter puts your fucking gloves on bro.
Holy shit do I want to flip a table or sit crosslegged on my hardwood floor and rewire my Tube Screamer?
When you're introduced to sounds like Jupiter Lion, it's easy to put them in line behind other music that has a more straight forward specificity. Yet with these fuckers, I don't listen to them to hear "songs" I listen to them to hear "feels" or "moods".
I listen to Jupiter Lion when I have 15 minutes and I need to get all of these clothes folded, brought upstairs, and put away. Jupiter Lion is my "I BETCHA CAN'T DO ____ BRO" soundtrack.
I can do a fucking shit-ton if given the opportunity, but I can do it even AWESOMER when there's some fucking Jupiter Lion in me faceholes.
While I'm partial to the title track "Brighter" on this album because it slams us into the pocket and doesn't fucking leave, I am falling more in love with the second track "Your God Is a Human" because I'm allowed the opportunity to hit every fucking inch of my steering wheel as this jam warms the Fuck up. After about the 0:35 mark, I know where I'm headed, I just don't know how long it'll take to get there, but even before I cross over the 1:00 mark I'm happy this is a fucking NINE MINUTE FORAY INTO "I AM PLAYING ALL OF THE DRUMS".
Jupiter Lion makin' me feel like how I felt when I realized the band Holy Fuck was makin' me feel all holy Fuck.
If you are a broponent of rhythm. If you like a da drums. If you wish every song made you want to play air drums and make faces only a drummer would make. If you WANT ALL THE DRUMS...
Jupiter Lion.