Matthew Squires


Tom Doz | February 2, 2017

When I was young one of the only restaurants that had a soda fountain machine that the customers could use was Fudruckers. I loved it because you could make your own concotion of soda flavors...a little root beer, a lot of Orange Crush, a little Sprite, a drop of Pepsi, and fuck that diet shit. Diet soda always ruined my cocktail. 

My parents would let me go balls wild on that pop machine, but I had to drink all of what I made. 90% of the time my drink tasted like a sugary mess and I'd choke it down. BUT every so often I'd get the perfect result. 

Listening to this new Matthew Squires album brought this memory to my head because it sounds experimental, often times disjointed and imperfect. But that's why it's so great. He makes Orange Crush and Root Beer taste like they were meant for each other. The flaws go together so perfectly you wonder to yourself: How did this motherfucker come up with this shit? 

BUT I use that term 'flaws' endearingly because I can't imagine glueing together tracks that probably sound like shitty noise on their own and creating something so perfect. So, I'll leave the creation of this type of music to mad geniuses like Captain Beefheart, Frank Zappa and more recently The Unicorns.

And I'll just sit back, enjoy Tambelo and admire the strange people who make music sound interesting. Thanks Matty Squires...we love've earned the right to change your name to Matty Stratocaster.