Tim Baker

Tim Baker is one half of the legendary Vaudville joke and song duo Chico and the other ethnic stereotype(convincingly played by Michael Douglas). Since leaving the Vaudville circuit Tim has had a slew of jobs including vending machine repair man, Walmart greeter at that Greater Deluth Walmart, and most recently handicam operator on According to Jim.



Our Interview with Daniel S. Lionheart of Rifle Men - He's not on acid cause he's dead

Tim Baker | January 5, 2012
Rifle Men's music reminds me of after shave commercials. It is smooth, soothing, usually wrapped in a town, and smells like a man which drives the ladies wild. It also drives me wild, just not in the same way, for me it is more the way a...
Album Review, FIDLAR, DIYDUI, Punk, Surf Punk, White Iris Records
Album Review


Tim Baker | December 15, 2011
When is the last time you just wilded the fuck out for the fuck of it? It has been a while for me, I was easing into a relative state of inactivity and middle-agedness and then out of nowhere FIDLAR’s EP DIYDUI drops in my lap and...

Laugh at What I Love: Podcasts - Uhh Yeah Dude, Comedy Bang Bang, WTF w/Marc Maron

Tim Baker | December 8, 2011
Over the past year or so I have become a full fledged addict of Podcasts. At one point I think they were all I listened too. I was subscribing to about 19 or so, not including the ones I would only listen to at work (I’m looking at you PTI and NBC Nightly...
Album Review

Vex Ruffin - Crash Course EP

Tim Baker | November 8, 2011
You hear that rumbling? Ominous right? The sound's fucking bearing down on you like a rabid rhino with a taste for blood and hatred for bearded, waify white men. Lucky for you it is only Vex Ruffin’s Crash Course EP. Relieved right...

Our Interview with PAPA - Bite off one end, and stick their penis' into it

Tim Baker | November 3, 2011
Around these parts, if we review your album, feature your video and do an interview with a band we consider them to be family. It is part of the SYFFAL community outreach program. Well my friends, I would like to introduce you to the newest member of the...

Our Interview with Andre Abramowitz - Writer and Executive Producer of Zombies: A Living History

Tim Baker | October 24, 2011
You might remember Andre Abramowitz from the early days of the site as the salty Armenian looking fellow with a love of punk rock and fantasy baseball and distaste for everything else, especially that cock sucker Del LeFevre. Well young Andre...

Our Interview with Daniel Dahmer - That will put your swag up 100

Tim Baker | October 12, 2011
Throughout the history of popular music there has been galvanizing events that have defined a sound, style and generation. Whether it was Elvis shaking his hips The Beatles landing in America Woodstock The punk scene Michael Jackson Moon Walking NWA being...
Album Review

Danny Brown - XXX

Tim Baker | October 6, 2011
Danny Brown can rap his ass off; there is no question about that. He is one of a handful of up and coming rappers that are making exciting rap music that shows an adherence to skills without sucking the dick of the past. It is a very...
Youth Lagoon, The Year of Hibernation, Album Review, Fat Possum
Album Review

Youth Lagoon - The Year of Hibernation

Tim Baker | September 22, 2011
The Year of Hibernation is the first album that made me want to rap since Ghostface Killah's Supreme Clientele, which is kind of weird considering that Youth Lagoon and in turn The Year of Hibernation couldn't be farther...

Our Interview with Dark Sister - The Darker the Sister the Sweeter the Juice?

Tim Baker | September 12, 2011
Every since I was a child I have been attracted to the darkness. I don't know if it was something I was born with or something that was nurtured in me, but for as long as I can remember I was always drawn to it. It is what brought me into horror movies, heavy...
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