
Countdown Time

Brandon Backhaus | March 23, 2015

Let's play look what I stole from the press release: Fireships, the new band founded and fronted by Andrew Vladeck, veteran solo artist and the founder of The Honey Brothers (the band that notably features The Entourage's Adrian Grenier)."

Fireships whole indie Americana thing borders on canned gentrification, but then you can't deny that you're fucking smiling! There's a part of me that wants to hate them, but I can't deny that I am in love!

Countdown Time is the fucking jam! Even if that jam is canned with medicinal herbs by the loving supple hands of a millennial SAHM from where white people are. It's a great song!

Fireships are genuine in that they are what they are, and with Countdown Time, who they are, quirky, sweet, adorable, fun is a lot to be. The video, with it's wandering inebriated otherworldly protagonist, is its perfect vehicle.