Say it again: THUNDERPUSSY

Thunderpussy is playing Cobra Lounge in Chicago on October 20, 2018
Joel Frieders | October 16, 2018

When a band like THUNDERPUSSY emails you and says to come see their upcoming show, you should probably listen. I mean, it feels like maybe in the next few years we'll be living in a society that would ban all band names that sound as fun and enjoyable as THUNDERPUSSY because only the supreme leader can use words like that. Plus, THUNDERPUSSY sounds so awesome I can only assume the torrential storms thrown down by a band called THUNDERPUSSY would bring TREMENDOUS MOISTURE to the midwest, and lord knows we all need a lil' wetness around here.

Thankfully, THUNDERPUSSY are as fun to interview as they are to watch perform, and we encourage you to both read, listen, and then ATTEND THEIR SHOW THIS WEEKEND. Also, if you haven't noticed, if you don't get the fuck off your ass and vote for people who might also enjoy a THUNDERPUSSY show, we might not be able to type THUNDERPUSSY anymore without being added to some list somewhere.

I, for one, will continue to say THUNDERPUSSY and have it sound like I'm speaking into an empty KFC chicken bucket to make myself sound more like James Earl Jones, but with a slight lisp. Keep that in mind as you read the seven points of conversation below.

SYFFAL: With a name like Thunderpussy, you probably have a few examples of people expecting soulless and vapid, yet ultimately boring, uber simple, kitsch based on shock value alone, type rock crap with no talent to back it up. Be honest though, do venues sock you all with the clean up bill after you've MELTED EVERYONE'S FACES OFF?

THUNDERPUSSY: We have an extensive insurance policy for melted body parts.

SYFFAL: I've spent a few bowel movements watching youtube videos of your live performances and I can say with utmost certainty that I would greatly enjoy seeing you all live, but can you confirm what taste I would have in my mouth should I see you in Chicago this October? I was thinking licorice leather lingerie, but I've been wrong before.

THUNDERPUSSY: Why is the internet better when you are the toilet? It’s magic. I guess it would be kind of like a pixie stick-cocaine-drip, kind of a thing. Cherry flavored amphetamine, maybe…

SYFFAL: If you guys had to change your name because the supreme court turned out to be a bunch of thunderous pussies, what would you be post-Thunderpussy?


SYFFAL: Seeing as how the world in 2018 is both hugely politically correct yet still blatantly sexist and racist, it has to be depressing to be both women and musicians. Speaking from experience as a recovering musician myself, holy shit does the music industry suck for everyone, but to compound that with being female musicians, you all have to have skin six inches thick. Can you tell me why it's okay to have a football team named after a racist term for an Indian American, but that Thunderpussy is somehow offensive?

THUNDERPUSSY: Nope. People are afraid of the power of Pussy, obviously.

SYFFAL: It's always cool to find out what bands are listening to. What bands are you all into right now and would you consider pretzels one of your main sources of carbohydrates or is that just me?

THUNDERPUSSY: I’m on a strict popcorn diet, myself. Well, I am actually not a voracious new music consumer. There is so much music from bygone days that I’m still catching up on, and 70’s rock music is definitely my thing. Someone recently turned me on to Italian rock from that era and it’s really good. Check out New Trolls and Premiata Forneria Marconi.

SYFFAL: I recently discovered some peanut butter & chocolate popcorn, and I feel it's as addictive as crack. I've personally been on a missing over the last two years to get municipal governments around the country to discuss suicide publicly from an official capacity, if you could rid the world of one shitty thing, what would that shitty thing be and how would you do something so galdarn awesome?

THUNDERPUSSY: It would be nice to just do away with violence. I think we could start micro-dosing the whole world through its water supply with mushrooms, LSD, or DMT and achieve this end fairly quickly...

SYFFAL: Chicago. October. Cobra Lounge. I can tell you fun facts about all three of these things so I will, but then when I'm done you need to put on your marketing hats and sell the readers of SYFFAL on why your upcoming show is such a BFD. That means BIG FUCKING DEAL remember? Ok, Chicago is the most beautiful city on the planet, and I've lived in Santa Barbara, California and traveled to French Lick, Indiana before, so I'm kind of an expert. October is the best month because HOODIES AND JEANS are the most comfortable shit ever and I live in them from October to April. Cobra Lounge has incredible food and a brewery on site that brews a few awesome IPAs and I suggest you fill up your van with both the foods and the brews because there is no place quite like Cobra Lounge. I SWEAR.

THUNDERPUSSY: We have hoodies for sale, so I think that pretty much covers it.