White Lies


Joel Frieders | January 27, 2011


Obsessed is probably the most fitting of words to describe my current relationship with the album Ritual from White Lies.

Del LeFevre can take credit for sending me the band my way, but as always, I ignored Del and tripped on their latest all on my own.

When I finally hit play on the manpod, I was immediately in lust with the dude's voice. Commanding, strong, completely understandable, new-wave masculine... Your desire to know every lyric to this fucking album is not just because the songs are amazing, it's because the way this guy's vocals are recorded you want to fucking sing along like a fucking fruit bat high on gargantuan sized candy bars.

So far, every song I've encountered has that "this could be the title track on any 80's movie I've ever seen" and completely bodies anything I've even considered to be new-wave-y in the past three years. Sure it's the product of a bunch of European tight pantsed guys with perfect skin, but what do you expect with something so fucking slick and punchy enters your ear canal?

What surprises me the most about the Ritual album is how fucking FULL the shit sounds. Normally new wave electro pop (or whatthefuckever you classify it as) has this chincey, tinny, shallow feel to it because it's normally just a drum machine and a keytar, but White Lies have produced a full on MASSIVE WALL OF FUCKING SOUND with this album. There isn't a lull in the entire album when you feel something was overlooked. At full volume this band can easily overtake any electronic album released in the past decade.

Fucking bananas.

I've got a shit-load of work - work to do today and I have this album cued up and ready to keep me attentive for at least the next 4 hours.