Father John Misty

Pure Comedy

Joel Frieders | January 24, 2017


Joel has been trodding through a horrible and crippling depression like a horse knee deep in mud for the last 5 weeks. Nothing sounds good. Nothing tastes good. Nothing works. I'm a fucking asshole with too many responsibilities and not enough income.

I'm just like every other American at the moment: lost, bitter, confused, unable to make sense of reality, unsure of my future, scared for my children, upset with myself for not being more prepared financially, emotionally, physically.

Then yesterday Tom sends the link to "Pure Comedy" from our favorite Father John Misty.

I listened twice at work, but couldn't really concentrate because I was working, AND THE PHONE SYSTEM WENT DOWN, AND THEN AND THEN AND THEN AND THEN...

And then I had a late meeting cancel, so I was able to listen to this on the way to another meeting I was supposed to have missed because of the other meeting that was thankfully canceled. 

I cried like a fucking wuss driving through the abandoned streets of Yorkville.

The last line of this song makes me want to quit everything I do and slowly start picking up ONLY the ones that make me feel valued and happy. 

Sorry if I've done a poor job of critiquing this song, I just don't have it in me to expound bruv.