Ballerina Black


Joel Frieders | June 22, 2016

"Gravity" was the track off the latest Ballerina Black drop that made me spin in circles with my head tilted backwards while it rained a cinematic rain on my amazingly photographic bald face. Oh, I forgot to mention I was wearing a black trenchcoat and black jeans. 

I can't help it if I'm fucking stylish bro, I was born into this shit ya heard?

Ballerina Black are the most Los Angeles band on the fucking planet. The whole acting disinterested and aloof and unconcerned with what's happening around you shit, like this shit doesn't take hours and hours and hours of practice to sound this disinterestedly fucking smooth. I appreciate this.

Ballerina Black are like the rock band equivalent of how we should all be acting. Put effort behind how you want people to see you, and when you put out shit this fucking cool, act like you meant to be this fucking cool.

Love this fucking band.