Wrongboy feat Signor Benedick the Moor


Brandon Backhaus | September 7, 2016

My drive to work is basically a roller coaster at Hollywood Land in Florida. Across the Elysian Valley, Downtown like a ghost mountain range in the distance, past Dodger Stadium, Sunset strip, through Beverly Hills to UCLA. It’s fun at 80 mph in the dark. It’s not at 3 mph at 5:45 am. 

This video is like the fountain of youth. Wrongboy featuring Signor Benedick the Moor got me driving to work yelling out the window I am not ready for the real life! No! Let me be asleep up in the Matrix, yo! 

Got me feeling like I could break shit. Got me feeling like I should be in Hollywood wandering around in parachute pants in a four day drug haze. 

Recovering from a four day weekend is hard, man. Got me emotionally questioning my whole shit. 

Now, off to NOT break my record speed up in a spaceship commuting to work. Wish me luck.