Dan San


Joel Frieders | November 30, 2015

New rule: If I don't sway, it gets no play.

Within the first 39 seconds I was sort of hypnotized, but when the drums subtly start up I'm over here swaying like a willow in the wind bro. Fuck this is comf. This is pillow tops on top of pillows on top of clouds on top of freshly boiled pasta bro. 

Whoever Dan San are, they feel like The Feather, where the whimsy is just fucking dripping off every chord, but the stacking of the vocals on this shit is just delicious as fuck. I'm hoping my new found addiction to musical wimsy like this will make even the most mundane tasks somehow peaceful. 

I'm hoping pressing play on "America" when it comes times to do my taxes will make them something I just put up with, regardless of how much anxiety it causes me for the 11 and a half months leading up to it and the 11 and a half months after it. 

Here's to hoping.