Floco Torres


Joel Frieders | July 10, 2017


This beat is why I woke up this morning. Holy shit this is comf as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

Anytime you spit "you might be a dick and not know it" in a rap song, I'm a fan of you. Of who? OF FLOCO TORRES BRUV! And. Well, now? Of "You!"! This song is fucking smooth ass chill balls sprinkled with deep fried chill balls simmered in a vat of the remnants of other balls so chill they can only be known as chill balls.

Floco Torres giggle saunters throughout this entire track, perfectly murdering that soul sample, and holy shit, that hi hat killllllllllllls me. I want this song to play for the rest of the summer because I'm sick of everything else making me want to skip to the next track besides this. 

Floco, you're the shit.