

Joel Frieders | September 15, 2015

This dude's beats just fucking creep up inside of me. I can almost predict where dude is going to put the dict I pre'd, but holy fucking chill balls against my warm damp forehead this shit is relaxing as fuck.

Sophomore's tracks somehow have a therapeutic approach to them, as I've been using dude's music as a sort of wall in me brain that stops me-self from thinking thoughts I don't need to be thinking. "Outcry" is like the hands on method of keeping my hands off my brain training when I'm away from the place where certain thoughts should be thought. If I'm confusing you, it's because I turned the brain off after about 15 seconds of hearing this song for the first time.

I expect this guy to become my favorite introspective electronic beat flinger in the very near future, and if I can ever get this guy, Zavala, Void Pedal and Maker in a room together, I think I'd get arrested for indecent exposure because I couldn't handle that sort of sensuality. 

Thank you for existing Sophomore bro.