Love Dad


Love Dad: Top 5 Things That No One Will Tell You About Parenthood - I Fucking Will, Because I Care (And Want A Blowjob)

Joel Frieders | November 12, 2010
5. Some people take parenting way too fucking seriously. When I was a kid, I honestly don't remember many other parents. Like I remember that one dad was a drunk and we couldn't talk sports or politics without him throwing a High Life can at our heads. I remember one dad was a minister and we had to watch our language. One mom was a basketcase and we could pretty much get anything out of her food/treat/toy-wise without too much trouble or scheming. But I don't remember seeing this many asshole parents when I was walking amongst those potentially in the category to be "parented by assholes". Now that I am a parent, I see a lot of traits in other parents that make me want to strangle them or stab their necks with a syringe full of Drain-o. The most notable of these qualities is the parents...
joel frieders

Love Dad: SYFFAL Music Submission Guidelines

Joel Frieders | August 16, 2010
Yes, SYFFAL doesn't write negative reviews. We might shit on you in private while sipping a delicious sangria with a spear of tropical fruitz, but our website doesn't shit on music. We might shit on your homeland (especially if you're Irishy), but your music is something we appreciate, even when we don't care for it personally. Because we don't write negative album reviews, we don't cover everything you might send us (if you're an artist/band/PR company, that is). That doesn't mean we're pretentious fucks, it means we respect the fact you create shit. We respect it enough to respect ourselves enough not to disrespect it when disrespecting it might be the only type of respect we would ever have for it, respectfully. We are sick of being on the recieving end of music from bands/rappers/...
