Ryan Adams v Taylor Swift

Who the f!@# cares?

Ryan Adams, Taylor Swift, 1989
Tom Doz | September 21, 2015

Why do I read internet comments?

  1. Having an adamant stance on something that is subjective just proves that you (and this is not subjective) are a shit-faced piece of face shit. 
  2. Just because you are anonomously commenting on the computer doesn't give you an excuse to be a shit-faced piece of face shit to another person.
  3. If you think you can teach your opinions to another piece of face shit then you are a NAIVE shit-faced piece of face shit.
  4. Am I going to do the same thing below that I preach against in point #3? Guilty. 
  5. Should I not be asking myself questions and follwoing them up with an immediate answer? Definitely. 

This brings me to the subject at hand: Ryan Adams cover of Taylor Swift's 1989. If you haven't noticed the shit is plastered all over the the interenet and arguments are ensuing in the comments sections. If social media sites were a physical place it'd be like walking through a mall with only Gaps and Eddie Bauers. And in the mall a bunch of white people are arguing which store has better clothes to wear to the organic fruit market on a Sunday afternoon. 

Get a fucking hold of yourselves.

Can we please all agree that Taylor Swift's songs are not 'better' now that Ryan Adams has covered them?

They are the same songs. THEY ARE FUCKING COVERS! Same lyrics. Pretty much the same melody. Pretty much the same chord progressions. Different interpretations. 

And you know what? If it wasn't for Taylor Swift you wouldn't be enjoying these songs in your quilted flannel on an 80 degree Monday afternoon.


And I'm not sure if you noticed, but It's actually well-written songs that allow themselves to be covered in a variety of different ways. When Jimi Hendrix covered 'All Along The Watchtower' he didn't say 'This song SUCKS; I'm going to make it better.'

AND can we please all agree that Ryan Adams isn't a 'talentless piece of crap who has no business covering T-Swift's songs?' 

Sure 'talent' is subjective, but it becomes less subjective after he has sold millions of albums. It might not be your cup of tea, but it's not like he's some tone deaf buffoon with 2 left balls and ingrown toe nails. Who made you the cover police anyway?

What's the point of this article? There is no point. It's a PSA. Learn how not to be a shit-faced piece of face shit. Don't make people have to defend something they love. Why do you fucking care anyway?