I saw Linafornia blow the fucking stage up! She was all whipping hair and head bangs. She was a whirring goddess of emotion, deep and soulful, jazzy fingers banging drum buttons with a purpose of a master maestra instructing us dummies on WHAT THE FUCK IS UP!... and then pause. Then slam back in that way only a true beatsmith on some teach shit knows how. Her set made me want to vibrate out myself and leave my pale skin sac in a crumbled mess on the bar's sticky floor while my spirit soared.
Linafornia is from LA, the mecca of Leimert Park to be more precise. I feel like I owe it to her to be precise, because precision is Linafornia's forte. She's prodigiously making her way to the tip top of beat peeps with Beat Cinema, Project Blowed, and Low End Theory. Her fuzzed out production is on a launch pad all its own.
"brownies" is a purposefully crunchy, backwards, choppy, sample stabby trip down Linafornia Boulevard. The atmosphere is so high it's oxygen-deprived. She got me on eBay looking for space helmets.