I LOVE THAT I DON'T KNOW WHO ANYONE IS ANYMORE! I mean, fer serious, who the fuck is Sympathetic Frequencies?
OH YOU MEAN THE BAND I HAVE TO SPELL SIX TIMES TO GET RIGHT? I'd like to officially state that I've shortened their 8 years long band name and will from here on out only refer to them as Sympcies. Sympcies is probably the most fucking adorable band name you're going to want to tattoo on your left forearm bro. And if you DO get that tattooed, well, you're the super fucking Sympcies fan we've been looking for.
They're the titties right?
The new single "Wake Up" is a perfect example of a wide open sound bros; it's like Apollo Run and RIBS and The 1975, but with super tight long sleeve horizontally striped tshirts paired with an infectiously reverby guitar lick. That fucking reverby guitar is coming out of the right fucking speaker bro, and it's asking me to undress. I don't know how these shitdicks managed to make a guitar goad an adult male into becoming teh nudez, but I think I'm okay with it.
I hope this band keeps making music that makes me feel like running nude backwards through a field of upturned broomsticks all greased with pork fat and goat lard, because it's going to do wonders for my political career.