The SYFFAList - 5 Complaints About Your Band
Joel Frieders | May 22, 2012
Yes, I'm complaining. Yes, I'm a whiny bitch who can't stand the fact that bands and artists that I come in contact with at some point are doing things that bug the shit out of me. Things that aren't necessarily wrong in any actual way, but things that I see as being annoying and pointless, but to put it simply, in my asshole opinion, completely fucking wrong.
Yes, you bands and artists and rappers and producers are doing it wrong. And not only do I find this shit annoyingly and pointlessly wrong, I think you fuckers are doing yourselves a disservice by doing what you've always done, what every other band does or what you assume people want.
So here we go, 5 things you're fucking up on you asshole bands, rappers and pooflingers who call themselves musicians:
1. Your albums are too fucking...