One Song

Gang of Youths


Joel Frieders | October 12, 2017

Tom sent me this band because he knew I needed it.

This band's latest album, Go Farther In Lightness, hasn't really left my routine since Tom sent it to me. 

Gang of Youths sort of have everything I need in a favorite band: beautiful instrumentation, powerful lyrics, similarities to bands I've grown up on, incredible crescendos, song topics that literally step on my throat. 

I know many of you don't remember when the Wallflowers released their version of Bowie's "Heroes", because you're all 15 years old right now, but that chorus is forever burned into my memory as being one of the few times the chorus of a song has pushed me to tears (before I became a sensitive Stanley that is). 

And it's perfect timing for Gang of Youths, not just because they're seriously my favorite band right now, but because we need this message fucking baaaaad righ meow. 

Hit play on this and then hit play on it again and then punch a nazi in the gunt.

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