One Song


Slippery Fingers

Joel Frieders | June 7, 2019

Are you KIDDING!?

I've loved both Blockhead and Elliot Lipp for yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaars! And NOW they decide to touch tips? Uncle Tony and Mister Lipp are gonna make me impregnante myself again ain't they? 

Lipphead is brilliant. And this first single, "Slippery Fingers" is straight up cool out bbq soft shorts PERF.

Whenever I'm confronted with music that makes me feel just as relaxed as energized, I get a bit offended because I didn't hear it before. Thankfully this just dropped today, so while I might be late to everything because of all these kids I made, at least I got to hear this as soon as it existed publicly. Super jacked to hear the rest of this album, and I hope the vibe of being played outside while consuiming many beverages and many many meats will continue, because this is galdarn COOKIN.