Joel Frieders

Joel Frieders woke up three salmon streams by merely emitting a low frequency squelch out of his thyroid. We hope he continues with such impressive feats of science, because he for sure needs help in the tattoos of fruits in precarious situations category. Rob Campobasso for Athlete of the Month. If cream of tartar isn't actually creamy, then why the hell am I so meteor showered? Is it any wonder. IS IT ANY WONDAAAA!

falside, true dreams

Falside - True Dreams: Episode One

Joel Frieders | April 12, 2016
I've decided I don't have enough time anymore. I can only dedicate so many hours to my hobbies these days, so I've decided to outsource my listening habits as well. Gone are the days when I could dig through piles and piles of potentially awesome music to...
white denim - stiff
Album Review

White Denim - Stiff

Joel Frieders | April 6, 2016
If you asked me to tell you what album this year has given me the most "er" for my "bone", it wouldn't be that electro album I've been dancing for my wife to, and it wouldn't be that rap album with all them guest spots that still gives me chub to think back...
Kid Ikarus, Soft Power

Kid Ikarus - Soft Power

Joel Frieders | April 6, 2016
I don't know if I know Kid Ikarus. But then again, how would I know I know if I didn't admit that I didn't know knowing whether or not I knew I knew I know? The best part about post rock bands that don't use ALL THE EFFECTS right the fuck...
angels and airwaves, overload

One Song: ANGELS & AIRWAVES - Overload

Joel Frieders | April 5, 2016
I haven't listened to a Tom DeLonge song on purpose in a decade or more. When I was in college a few of my roommates were Blink 182 diehards, but I sort of missed the boat because when I lived in California it wasn't cool to like Blink...
animal noise, sink or swim

Animal Noise - Sink or Swim

Joel Frieders | April 5, 2016
Animal Noise sounds like Rusted Root set fire to their acoustics and hand drums and plugged the fuck in, featuring the bass twiddles of Rage Against the Machine performing yoga, and the smooth smooth electric acoustic stylings of a bang of...
Benjamin Francis Leftwich, Tilikum

Benjamin Francis Leftwich - Tilikum

Joel Frieders | April 4, 2016
 Benjamin Francis Leftwich always tends to enter my ear holes exactly when I needed a forceable dose of patience. Normally, life is on fast forward all the fucking time and there isn't a drug in the world that can slow it the fuck down. It's...
astronauts - you can turn it off

One Song: Astronauts. - You Can Turn It Off

Joel Frieders | April 4, 2016
I love how Astronauts. sound like ear pillows from the fucking get-go. It's like every song of theirs is meticulously crafted to be both soul warming and mood cooling, like it's the icy hot of ear insertables.  I've also been playing an air-...
Yea Big & Kid Static - We May Actually Mean It

Quick Fix: Yea Big & Kid Static - We May Actually Mean It

Joel Frieders | April 3, 2016
Is today just a regular Sunday bro? Sunday's are for bacon and waffles and hikes with the kids, right? NOT TODAY BROS.  Let me set the Sunday morning scene:  I just finished making Sunday breakfast for the family. I cleaned up Sunday hardcore. I took my...
worlds hurt, chekhov's gun

World Premiere: Words Hurt - Chekhov's Gun

Joel Frieders | April 1, 2016
This is my best friend Tim. Tim is a rapper. If you don't understand because I didn't give him a rap nomdeplume, dude's rap name is Alaska. He's been one of my favorite rappers since before I met him, and after I met him I didn't even know he...
yawl, woah


Joel Frieders | March 31, 2016
Stylistically, this video is fucking disgustingly beautiful.  Meat hooks and red yarn. Decapitated heads on red pillows presented for your perusal upon a pedestal. Milky white cataract eyes and ballerinas.  YAWL is patiently painting hip hop...
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