Love Dad

Top 5 - Fukushima

Why Japan's Natural Disaster Makes Me Want To Kill People For Being Fucksticks

Joel Frieders | March 18, 2011

5. the nuclear fear mongering on behalf of the media

I understand that shit is scary right now. I also understand that the majority of the earth's population doesn't know SHIT about nuclear power. What I don't understand is why certain media outlets feel it necessary to not only blow things out of proportion, but to directly contradict their published materials from one article to the next.

If you understand nuclear power, and how it could relieve us of our dependence on fossil fuels and foreign sources of oil, you might actually understand the amount of safeguards in place to protect the earth when these power plants are being constructed. Not only that, but look at who we're talking about in regards to building shit. The Japanese are the best in so many engineering categories it's not even worth discussing.

If you shared an article on Facebook that is not true and takes the position of spreading fear for no other reason but to gain readers, fuck you. Think, you fucking fucks. Think of the source, think of the audience, think of the fucking facts.

If you don't understand the shit, shut the fucking fuck up you fucking fucks. I've been fascinated with nuclear energy for years and even I don't know a fucking thousandth of what there is to know about it.

4. the over reaction regarding the sourcing of iodine supplements in response to the potential nuclear catastrophe

I run a compounding pharmacy during the day and let me tell you the amount of paranoia caused by the disaster in Japan is firmly rooted in media hype. It's unfortunate that this happened, but you are thousands of miles away and pumping your body full of something meant to protect just the thyroid could actually fuck up the rest of your body.

If you have a serious need to fucking get on the bandwagon and start pumping your body full of shit you don't need, I will enjoy watching you balloon up once you've completely fucked your thyroid in the ass.

Chill the fuck out and think positive thoughts for our planet instead of acting like a fucking baby. Positive energy will do a shitload more than your fucking whining.

3. the response of assholes to the response of people trying to help

People are naturally going to want to help other people in their times of need. Australia's floods, the earthquake in Haiti, the tsunami in the Phillipines, etc...

All of these things fucking hurt to watch happen to people. It is understandable to want to help others, and it is also a testament to the human condition that we do so without questioning where that money goes.

I'm not shitting on donating money to the region, in fact, I encourage it. What I'm shitting on is the motherfucking people who immediately get defensive about financial donations to other countries based on natural disasters that occured here and that no donations were discussed on American Idol.

If life was a pissing contest, I'm sure America's fucking vagina would have the loudest, highest pitched stream scream. Ya'll some fucking ho's.

The act of giving is universal, and to choose not to donate outside of your borders is fine, that's on you, but what's also on you is the choice you have to shut your fucking selfish cunt lapping cunt lips up when people choose to try and do what they can with their wallets.

Do you honestly think people have the ability to drop what they're doing to fly across the world to help shuck mud?

Allow people the freedom to help other people and shut your fucking pie hole up you fucking chauncey ass pickle lickers. I fucking HATE people who fucking HATE people.

2. the complete lack of attention on actual help, and more attention on saving your own ass

I'll tell you what. If we're all going to die, running in one direction won't do fucking shit for you.


That's it you fucking cooze, run west. I'll see you in 25,000 miles.

Run the other direction, same fucking shit.

I think we can all take a tip from Toy Story 3 here you fucking selfish pricks: when the end is on the way, gather up the people you care for and let it happen with them holding your fucking hand.

I hope seeing how fragile life is teaches some of these coozetwats some appreciation of how comfortable we actually are. I have no problem dropping what I'm doing and fucking up my schedule if it means helping someone that can't otherwise survive. But on that same note, if I had my kids in the car and you jumped out at me all bloody from the side of the road, I'd probably swerve out of the way and lock my kids in the car and approach you with my knife drawn because while I want the best for humanity, I don't give a FUCK about you versus my kids.

We're all hypocrites, it's just that some of us need to accept it and shut the fuck up.

1. the completely disgusting outpouring of racist people equating the earthquake/tsunami as god's retribution for pearl harbor

Do any of you fucking people saying this shit have actual associations with Pearl Harbor or are you just saying this to be as selfish as humanly possible?

Were any of you there? No. Your grandparents were there.

Would any of you rush to help Japan right now? No. But I bet a huge bucket of shit with your name on it that your fucking grandparents, the same people calling for the heads of the Japanese after Pearl Harbor, would help without even being asked.

People are fucking people, people. People, no matter the fucking color, the dumb fucking religion, if they take cock in their ass or eat a fucking cooze, their stupid new york or boston accents, their fuzzy little fucking dots on their foreheads, or their fucking gay ass tribal tattoos, ARE FUCKING PEOPLE.


Do you really expect people on the other side of the planet, experiencing hell on their own, to consider your opinion of them valid?

Do you really think this way or are you doing this to impress some segment of society that you feel accepts you because you yourself are not accepting of people that are different than you?

I feel sorry for people that see things in black and white. I feel sorry for people that laugh at people that are fucking hurting. I feel sorry for people who hold on to racist contexts as their personal beliefs for no other reason than they think that's what someone else cooler than they are thinks they should think.

I actually feel more sorry for these people than the Japanese people going through the shit right now. If you can put yourself so fucking high on a fucking pedestal and live life without giving back the energy that fucking created you, I think you're in worse shape than Japan.

We all have a responsibility to remember that we are all fucking human.

Things that happened in the past happened in the past.

You know that black guy you're friends with? You're friends with him because he doesn't hold it against you because your fucking ancestors treated him like a fucking animal.

You can do all you want in your own house with your own fucking shriveled dick, but the minute you take your hatred public you trigger something in the fucking world that I can't really explain right now.

But mark my fucking words you hateful PRICKS: You will be saved by someone you initially hated for no specific reason you could explain if they asked you.

You will be forced to thank someone you despise because they looked past your hatred and did what humans do and lent a hand.

You will regret being a fucking asshole in private.

And when you regret it, you'll feel even fucking worse than someone who's entire fucking house, family and life was fucking swept out to sea.

Fuck you.

But if you need a hand pushing your car out of traffic, I'll probably help.

Except if you're Reggie. Fuck Reggie.