Quick Fix: Onry Ozzborn- THE BIRTH OF CUPID (TRAILER)
Joel Frieders | February 9, 2017
Normally I don't post "teasers" or "trailers" or things that have letters for numbers in the titles.
The last two months have been complete shitshows as far as just how everything has panned out since cheeto fucker arrived, and nothing seems worth getting excited over.
THEN I SEE THE TRAILER FOR THE NEW ONRY OZZBORN ALBUM. AND I SHAT. Sure, it's titled + h 3 B1RTH of c v p ii d, but I don't care, because something about the dread this beat causes me makes me want to punch a nun in the gunt.
Onry has always been one of my favorite rappers. Whether he's solo, in the Skul of Grey, or inside Dark Time Sunshine, his delivery and quiet demeanor just fucking inspire me. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Onry Ozzborn is the rapper I strive to be on the inside, while being the...